31 research outputs found

    Adaptive photovoltaic solar module based on internet of things and web-based monitoring system

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    This paper presents an intelligent of single axis automatic adaptive photovoltaic solar module. A static solar panel has an issue of efficiency on shading effects, irradiance of sunlight absorbed, and less power generates. This aims to design an effective algorithm tracking system and a prototype automatic adaptive solar photovoltaic (PV) module connected through internet of things (IoT). The system has successfully designated on solving efficiency optimization. A tracking system by using active method orientation and allows more power and energy are captured. The solar rotation angle facing aligned to the light-dependent resistor (LDR) voltage captured and high solar panel voltage measured by using Arduino microcontroller. Real-time data is collected from the dynamic solar panel, published on Node-Red webpage, and running interactive via android device. The system has significantly reduced time. Data captured by the solar panel then analyzed based on irradiance, voltage, current, power generated and efficiency. Successful results present a live data analytic platform with active tracking system that achieved larger power generated and efficiency of solar panel compared to a fixed mounted array. This research is significant that can help the user to monitor parameters collected by the solar panel thus able to increase 51.82% efficiency of the PV module

    Cloud service analysis using round-robin algorithm for quality-of-service aware task placement for internet of things services

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    Round-robin (RR) is a process approach to sharing resources that requires each user to get a turn using them in an agreed order in cloud computing. It is suited for time-sharing systems since it automatically reduces the problem of priority inversion, which are low-priority tasks delayed. The time quantum is limited, and only a one-time quantum process is allowed in round-robin scheduling. The objective of this research is to improve the functionality of the current RR method for scheduling actions in the cloud by lowering the average waiting, turnaround, and response time. CloudAnalyst tool was used to enhance the RR technique by changing the parameter value in optimizing the high accuracy and low cost. The result presents the achieved overall min and max response times are 36.69 and 650.30 ms for running 300 min RR. The cost for the virtual machines (VMs) is identified from 0.5to0.5 to 3. The longer the time used, the higher the cost of the data transfer. This research is significant in improving communication and the quality of relationships within groups

    A review on orchestration distributed systems for IoT smart services in fog computing

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    This paper provides a review of orchestration distributed systems for IoT smart services in fog computing. The cloud infrastructure alone cannot handle the flow of information with the abundance of data, devices and interactions. Thus, fog computing becomes a new paradigm to overcome the problem. One of the first challenges was to build the orchestration systems to activate the clouds and to execute tasks throughout the whole system that has to be considered to the situation in the large scale of geographical distance, heterogeneity and low latency to support the limitation of cloud computing. Some problems exist for orchestration distributed in fog computing are to fulfil with high reliability and low-delay requirements in the IoT applications system and to form a larger computer network like a fog network, at different geographic sites. This paper reviewed approximately 68 articles on orchestration distributed system for fog computing. The result shows the orchestration distribute system and some of the evaluation criteria for fog computing that have been compared in terms of Borg, Kubernetes, Swarm, Mesos, Aurora, heterogeneity, QoS management, scalability, mobility, federation, and interoperability. The significance of this study is to support the researcher in developing orchestration distributed systems for IoT smart services in fog computing focus on IR4.0 national agend

    A Review of Low Power Wide Area Technology in Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum for IoT Use Cases

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    There are many platforms in licensed and license free spectrum that support LPWA (low power wide area) technology in the current markets. However, lack of standardization of the different platforms can be a challenge for an interoperable IoT environment. Therefore understanding the features of each technology platform is essential to be able to differentiate how the technology can be matched to a specific IoT application profile. This paper provides an analysis of LPWA underlying technology in licensed and unlicensed spectrum by means of literature review and comparative assessment of Sigfox, LoRa, NB-IoT and LTE-M. We review their technical aspect and discussed the pros and cons in terms of their technical and other deployment features. General IoT application requirements is also presented and linked to the deployment factors to give an insight of how different applications profiles is associated to the right technology platform, thus provide a simple guideline on how to match a specific application profile with the best fit connectivity features

    IoT System on Dynamic Fish Feeder Based on Fish Existence for Agriculture Aquaponic Breeders

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    يعتبر الحفاظ على الأسماك وتربيتها في البركة مهمة حاسمة لمربي الأسماك الكبير. القضايا الرئيسية لمربي الأسماك هي إدارة الأحواض مثل إنتاج الغذاء للأسماك والحفاظ على جودة مياه الأحواض. تم اختراع النظام الديناميكي أو التكنولوجي للمربين وأصبح مهمًا للحصول على أقصى عائد ربح لمربي الاستزراع النباتي والسمكي في الحفاظ على الأسماك. يقدم هذا البحث نموذجًا أوليًا مطورًا لمغذي الأسماك الديناميكي بناءً على وجود الأسماك. تمت برمجة وحدة تغذية الأسماك الديناميكية لتتغذى حيث اكتشفت أجهزة الاستشعار وجود الأسماك. تم برمجة لوحة متحكم NodeMCU ESP8266 للأجهزة المطورة. تتحكم وحدة التحكم في آلية التغذية والتغذية المرتدة بناءً على المستشعرات المرفقة. جهاز استشعار بالموجات فوق الصوتية مبرمج مع جهاز التحكم لاكتشاف مستوى الطعام ومقاومة للماء بالموجات فوق الصوتية للكشف عن الأسماك الموجودة. تم استخدام مستشعر الرطوبة لقياس الرطوبة في حاوية الطعام للتحكم في نضارة الطعام. تم استخدام محركين مؤازرين لتحريك مستشعر الماء لجذب الأسماك وتوزيع الطعام على الأسماك عند وجودها. تعرض النتيجة أربعة مستويات تم قياسها وهي درجة حرارة حاوية الطعام ، ونوعية الطعام بناءً على قياس الرطوبة ، وعداد الكشف عن الأسماك ومستوى طعام الأسماك في الحاوية. تم تقديم تحليلات البيانات على جميع المستويات المقاسة على منصة ThingSpeak باستخدام Blynk للحصول على مجموعات البيانات من جميع أجهزة الاستشعار. يعتبر هذا البحث مهمًا لمربي الأسماك الذين يدعمون تطبيقات الأجهزة المتصلة عبر الإنترنت والجوال بنظام IR4.0 والتي تساهم أيضًا في الزراعة اليوم.Maintaining and breeding fish in a pond are a crucial task for a large fish breeder. The main issues for fish breeders are pond management such as the production of food for fishes and to maintain the pond water quality. The dynamic or technological system for breeders has been invented and becomes important to get maximum profit return for aquaponic breeders in maintaining fishes. This research presents a developed prototype of a dynamic fish feeder based on fish existence. The dynamic fish feeder is programmed to feed where sensors detected the fish's existence. A microcontroller board NodeMCU ESP8266 is programmed for the developed hardware. The controller controls the feeding and feedback mechanism based on attached sensors. An ultrasonic sensor is programmed with the controller to detect the level of food and waterproof ultrasonic to detect existing fish. The humidity sensor was used to measure the humidity in the food container to control the food freshness. Two servo motors were used to move the waterproof sensor to attract the fish and to dispense the food to the fish when existed. The result presents four measured levels that are the temperature of the food container, the quality of food based on humidity measured, fish detection counter and level of fish food in the container. Data analytics on all the measured levels was presented on the ThingSpeak platform by using Blynk to get data collections from all sensors. This research is significant for fish breeders that support IR4.0 system connected online and mobile apps which also contribute to today’s agriculture

    IoT Smart Agriculture for Aquaponics and Maintaining Goat Stall System

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    This present a project development on smart farm and agriculture. The surge in global population is compelling a shift towards smart farm and agriculture practices. This coupled with the diminishing natural resources increase in unpredictable weather conditions makes food security a major concern for most countries. As a result, the use of internet of things (IoT) and data analytics (DA) are employed to enhance the operational efficiency and productivity in the farm and agriculture sector. The objective is to design a prototype that used internet of things in the farm and agriculture. Next is to have a monitoring and controlling or automation system that will benefits the farmer. Then collect all the data to be analyses on the rainfall, temperature, humidity and light intensity. The methodology comprised of hardware, software, programming, sensors such as water sensor, light depending resistor sensor, temperature and humidity sensor and weight sensor for collected data. Result presents a prototype on aquaponics and goat stall that implement the concepts of internet of things for monitoring, controlling or automation system while data analytics is presented from all the sensors. Analytic data on the temperature, light intensity, humidity and rainfall rate are analyzed. Surrounding temperature are important for both plant and fish because if it too hot, they can die easily. While optimum light is needed by the plant for their photosynthesis process. Thus, by monitoring and collecting these parameters, data can be used for analyzing purpose. This project can benefits agriculture and farm sector. Prototype also can be used for small size like at the backyard or balcony of the house for person that likes gardening


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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a statistical analysis and best fitted distribution model of internet traffic IP-based Network for tele-traffic engineering. One IP-based campus network architecture is studied which support of 16Mbps Committed Access Rate (CAR) speed line to Wide Area Network (WAN). Solarwinds network monitoring traffic toolbox is setup at the gateway router from inside campus network to the WAN in collecting real live throughput internet traffics. Daily throughput flows in Mbyte are collected in every ten minutes inter-arrival time. Statistical method on fitted Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) is evaluated on collected throughput with Matlab software. Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) technique is used to identify the maximum MLE log-likelihood which characterized as best fitted CDF distribution. Normal, Lognormal, Exponential and Weibull CDF fitted on throughput are presented. Among the four distributions, CDF Weibull is identified as the best traffic characteristic based on MLE maximum log-likelihood. Day7 is identified as best fitted that presents fitted 2-parameter Weibull which is Scale α =641.04 and Shape β =1.36 and fitted 3-parameter Weibull which is Scale α =551.76, Shape β =1.15 and threshold θ=63. Detail characteristics on day 7 and day 1 are presented and taken as benchmark model for future traffic algorithm.These results are valuable on modeling future tele-traffic engineering algorithm like policing, shaping, scheduling or queue which is based in real IP-based campus network environment. It is also useful for future prediction of tele-traffic models

    Performance Analysis on Multiple Device Connections of Small Office Home Office Network

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    تم دعم ماليزيا من خلال إحدى اتصالات الإنترنت عالية السرعة بالألياف والتي تسمى TM UniFi. TM UniFi مألوف جدًا لاستخدامه كوسيلة لتطبيق مفهوم Small Office Home Office (SOHO)  بسبب وباء COVID-19. يقدم معظم بائعي الاتصالات مجموعة متنوعة من خدمات الشبكة لتلبية احتياجات العملاء ورضاهم أثناء الوباء. يستفسر معظم المستخدمين عن جودة الخدمات من خلال حقيقة زيادة المستخدمين من وقت لآخر. لذلك ، من الأهمية بمكان معرفة أداء الشبكة على عكس عدد الأجهزة المتصلة بشبكة TM UniFi. الهدف الرئيسي من هذا البحث هو تحليل أداء TM UniFi مع تأثير اتصالات الأجهزة المتعددة أو خدمات المستخدمين. أجريت الدراسة لتحليل جودة الخدمة (QoS) على حركة البيانات ، ونقل الحزم ، و RTT ، والكمون ، والإنتاجية. تم استخدام برنامج محاكاة Wireshark كالتقاط لحركة مرور الشبكة حيث تم تحليل ملفات PCAP باستخدام محلل PCAP لـ Splunk. تم تمكين تصفية حركة المرور لالتقاط حركة المرور المحددة لقياس أداء الشبكة. تظهر النتيجة أنه يمكن تحقيق أداء أفضل للشبكة إذا تم توصيل عدد أقل من الأجهزة في نفس الوقت. تزداد النسبة المئوية لفقدان الحزم و RTT ووقت الاستجابة عند اتصال المزيد من المستخدمين في نفس الوقت. يُظهر معدل النقل أيضًا انخفاضًا في الاتصالات متعددة الأجهزة. بناءً على التحليل ، يمكن استنتاج أن TM UniFi لا يزال بإمكانها توفير خدمات شبكة جيدة لبيئة شبكة SOHO وعرض نطاق ترددي كافٍ على الرغم من النمو السريع للمستخدمين في ماليزيا.Malaysia has been supported by one of the high-speed fiber internet connections called TM UniFi. TM UniFi is very familiar to be used as a medium to apply Small Office Home Office (SOHO) concept due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the communication vendors offer varieties of network services to fulfill customers' needs and satisfaction during the pandemic. Quality of Services is queried by most users by the fact of increased on users from time to time. Therefore, it is crucial to know the network performance contrary to the number of devices connected to the TM UniFi network. The main objective of this research is to analyze TM UniFi performance with the impact of multiple device connections or users' services. The study was conducted to analyze the QoS on its traffic, packets transfer, RTT, latency, and throughput. Wireshark simulation program has been used as a network traffic capture where PCAP files have been analyzed by using PCAP Analyzer for Splunk. Traffic filtering has been enabled to capture selected traffic to measure network performance. The result shows that better network performance can be achieved if a smaller number of devices are connected at the same time.  The percentage of packet loss, RTT, latency is increased when more users connected at the same time. The throughput also shows a decrease for multi-device connections. Based on the analysis it can be concluded that TM UniFi still can provide good network services for the SOHO network environment and sufficient bandwidth despite the rapid user growth in Malaysia

    Time Based Traffic Policing and Shaping Algorithms on Campus Network Internet Traffic

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    This paper presents the development of algorithm on Policing and Shaping Traffic for bandwidth management which serves as Quality of Services (QoS) in a Campus network. The Campus network is connected with a 16 Mbps Virtual Private Network line to the internet Wide Area Network. Both inbound and outbound real internet traffic were captured and analyzed. Goodness of Fit (GoF) test with Anderson-darling (AD) was fitted to real traffic to identify the best distribution. The Best-fitted Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) model was used to analyze and characterized the data and the parameters. Based on the identified parameters, a new Time Based Policing and Shaping algorithm have been developed and simulated. The policing process drops the burst traffic, while the shaping process delays traffic to the next time transmissions. Mathematical model to formulate the controlled algorithm on burst traffic with selected time has been derived. Inbound traffic threshold control burst was policed at 1200 MByte (MB) while outbound traffic threshold was policed at 680 MB in the algorithms. The algorithms were varied in relation to the identified Weibull parameters to reduce the burst. The analysis shows that the higher shape parameter value that relates to the lower burst of network throughput can be controlled. This research presented a new method for time based bandwidth management and an enhanced network performance by identifying new traffic parameters for traffic modeling in Campus network

    A review on predictive maintenance technique for nuclear reactor cooling system using machine learning and augmented reality

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    Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP) is the only research nuclear reactor in Malaysia. Maintenance of RTP is crucial which affects its safety and reliability. Currently, RTP maintenance strategies used corrective and preventative which involved many sensors and equipment conditions. The existing preventive maintenance method takes a longer time to complete the entire system’s maintenance inspection. This study has investigated new predictive maintenance techniques for developing RTP predictive maintenance for primary cooling systems using machine learning (ML) and augmented reality (AR). Fifty papers from recent referred publications in the nuclear areas were reviewed and compared. Detailed comparison of ML techniques, parameters involved in the coolant system and AR design techniques were done. Multiclass support vector machines (SVMs), artificial neural network (ANN), long short-term memory (LSTM), feed forward back propagation (FFBP), graph neural networks-feed forward back propagation (GNN-FFBP) and ANN were used for the machine learning techniques for the nuclear reactor. Temperature, water flow, and water pressure were crucial parameters used in monitoring a nuclear reactor. Image marker-based techniques were mainly used by smart glass view and handheld devices. A switch knob with handle switch, pipe valve and machine feature were used for object detection in AR markerless technique. This study is significant and found seven recent papers closely related to the development of predictive maintenance for a research nuclear reactor in Malaysia